04.03.22 NOTES (Re)Discovering Jesus the Revolutionary The Gospel of Mark Mark 10:46-52 ROAD TRIP 1. ______________ ON THE PROBLEM _______________, NOT...
03.27.22 NOTES (Re)Discovering Jesus the Revolutionary The Gospel of Mark Mark 10:43-45 What’s Your Why? TFH Why – Bringing hope and impacting our...
03.20.22 NOTES (Re)Discovering Jesus the Revolutionary The Gospel of Mark Mark 8:27-38 Life’s Ultimate Question 27 Now Jesus and His disciples went out...
03.13.22 NOTES (Re)Discovering Jesus the Revolutionary The Gospel of Mark Mark 6:45-52 Connect the Dots You have draw lines to connect DOT A to DOT A, DOT...
03.06.22 NOTES (Re)Discovering Jesus the Revolutionary The Gospel of Mark Mark 6:1-6 Jesus left there and went to His hometown, accompanied by His...
02.27.22 NOTES (Re)Discovering Jesus the Revolutionary The Gospel of Mark Mark 5:25-34 Sneaking a Miracle! 1. PLACE __________________________ IN JESUS...
02.20.22 NOTES (Re)Discovering Jesus the Revolutionary The Gospel of Mark Mark 4:35-41; 5:1-20 You Are Valuable and Significant MY PERSONAL LESSONS: MY...
02.13.22 NOTES (Re)Discovering Jesus the Revolutionary The Gospel of Mark Mark 4:1-20 SEED & SOIL PARABLE SOWER SEED SOIL EARS TO HEAR 3 AREAS THORNS...
02.06.22 NOTES (Re)Discovering Jesus the Revolutionary The Gospel of Mark Mark 2:13-17 Grace and Truth 13 Then He went out again by the sea; and all the...