Connect with the church
and make a difference with your life
Sundays at 10:30 am
in the Growth Track Room in the Main Building
Childcare is provided for Children
birth to 5th grade
by KidCity Children’s Ministry
START with Step 1
and then take each step in order…

1st Sunday of Every Month
In Step 1, you will find out about the history, mission, vision, beliefs, culture and values of our church. You will also find out what it means to join our family!

2nd Sunday of Every Month
In Step 2, you will discover how God uniquely created you, and you'll be prepared to serve others in the way God designed.

3rd Sunday of Every Month
In Step 3, you will find your team and take your next step toward making a difference.

4th Sunday of Every Month
In Step 4 you will learn about the power of the Holy Spirit and all the benefits you can have in your life.
What people are saying...
“I’ve been a follower for years, but now I really know my purpose.”
“Step 2 was worth it all, now I know why I do some things the way I do.”
“I got it, now I understand, and I am so grateful..”
“This is the best thing I have been through ever.”