The primary purpose of the Lighting Designer is to help bring clarity and focus on what is happening on stage for weekend services using lighting instruments. The responsibility of the Lighting Designer is to help create a dynamic, visual worship environment by adding dimension, interest, focus and depth to weekend services.
Camera Operator
This team is responsible for operating the cameras inside of the sanctuary with the goal of capturing the service. The Camera Operator will listen to the direction of the Director and cooperate as part of the Production Team. Experience with a video camera is preferred, but not required.
Sound Tech
This team is responsible for skillfully and artistically creating an audio mix for Sunday services. Their most important job is ensuring that the worship band has everything they need audibly, so that they can freely worship while playing, and lead the congregation in powerful, authentic worship. Experience mixing live music on a digital board is required.
ProPresenter Operator
This team is responsible for projecting worship lyrics, sermon points, scriptures, and video playback for the congregation. As an integral part of the service flow and worship leading, this person is tasked with displaying media without distraction each weekend. Experience working on a mac preferred, but not required.
Worship – Vocalists
The Worship Team plays a vital role in the services of our church as they use their musical gifts from God to facilitate corporate, musical worship. Team members work together under the leadership of the Worship Arts Pastor or a worship leader who is led and supported by the Worship Arts Pastor. Auditions are required. Must be available for Thursday night rehearsals.
Worship – Band
The Worship Team plays a vital role in the services of our church as they use their musical gifts from God to facilitate corporate, musical worship. Team members work together under the leadership of the Worship Arts Pastor or a worship leader who is led and supported by the Worship Arts Pastor. Auditions are required. Must be available for Thursday night rehearsals.
Online Church Host
When people can’t be “in the house”, they can watch online. The primary responsibility of the Online Church Host is to live chat with our online church for our Sunday service broadcasts. Basic computer skills required.
Social Ministry
Our job is to share the mission, messages, events, & vision of TFH on our social channels. If you have experience (or a desire to learn!) about ministry on a social platform, this team is for you. We are specifically looking for those <30 years old with Social Media experience. We’d love anyone with photography/videography experience to be a part of this team.
Community Outreach
TFH hosts and participates in community events on and off our campus that are designed to let people know our mission and that we are #ForOurNeighbors. Examples include Food & Supply Drives for ministries/organizations in the community, serving our adopted school (LES) and others, community events that TFH sponsors, and on-campus events like JingleJam. Opportunities may include set-up, clean-up, registration, planning, & hosting.
This team sells resources and materials such as t-shirts, bibles, books, etc. Basic math skills required. Must be comfortable using an IPad for monetary transactions.
This team welcomes and checks in all our Serve Teams and members of Team TFH.
Foyer / Hospitality
The foyer is a gathering place for people before and after service. A place to chat, relax and get to know each other a bit. The objective is simple: Make it feel like home. The Foyer/Hospitality team is two parts, one that serves and one that welcomes.
Great everyone as they approach the communion table and offer communion cups. Remember to smile and make everyone feel welcome.
Greeters have the opportunity to make the largest impact with the simplest action – a smile – and to foster the atmosphere of acceptance and love in the Church. Greeters welcome our members and attendees by opening the door, smiling, handing out sermon notes, answering general information about the church or upcoming events and directing new people to the appropriate areas. They also play a vital part in observing things that may seem to be out of the ordinary and taking proactive steps when necessary. In no way are you required to be confrontational!
This team provides transportation to church attendees who need assistance getting to and from their cars before and after services and events. This team also works hand in hand with the parking and safety ministries as well since they will be “eyes and ears”. This team is also part of the First Impressions Team and how you interact with the guests will vastly impact the way they view the church and shape their experience here at TFH. Must be a TFH Partner and have a valid driver’s license.
The Parking Team ensures safe traffic flow as needed for any TFH gathering. This can range from setting up cones, directing traffic flow, observing and reporting suspicious incidences, checking out someone who has fainted, a child who has fallen, or someone having an actual medical emergency. You will provide appropriate assistance until the necessary response team is dispatched and on scene when needed.
Serving as an Usher helps the church to provide a welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment for guests attending weekend services and special events. Ushers seat guests, collect offerings, serve communion, and other duties as required/requested as ministry assistants to the pastoral staff. Manage traffic flow as guests enter the adult worship area. The usher team serves during weekend services as well as during special events as needed. In addition to serving as part of weekend services, ushers may be asked to attend periodic training classes. Must be a TFH Partner.
The Medical Team provides medical assistance as needed for any TFH gathering and offers appropriate assistance until the necessary response team is dispatched and on scene when needed. Must be or become CPR/AED Certified.
Prayer / Altar Team
This team prays during the worship service for people inneed, and the pastors & staff as they lead the worshipservice. Must be a TFH Partner & Interview with Prayer& Altar Team Lead Required.
Family Care Teams
These teams provide Spiritual and Hands-On Care Management to our TFH family when they or a family member have an illness, crisis, or death in the family.
Prayer & Visitation
This Team follows up with individual prayer requests by phone call or email or visit. Must be a TFH Partner &Interview with Freedom & Care Pastor Required.
Card / Call Ministry
This Team sends birthday, get well, condolence, andencouragement cards. May also follow up with a phone call. Must be a TFH Partner.
Funerals / Memorials
This Team helps with set-up, breakdown and creating a welcoming environment for our TFH family when we conduct a funeral or memorial service.
Lend Them a Hand
This Team provides hands on assistance to our TFH Family when needed in the areas of minor household repairs or special projects.
Take Them a Meal
This team provides meals to our TFH Family when in need due to illness, surgery, death, etc.
Celebrate Recovery Meals
Help prepare, set up, serve, & clean up meals for our Celebrate Recovery Program on Monday nights. You choose the week(s) you can serve.
This team knows real life change takes place through the context of relationships. As a Life Group Leader, you have the greatest opportunity to connect with others, fulfill your passions, develop your gifts, and live out the Great Commission. Group types: Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Marriage & Family, Discipleship, Freedom & Care, and Outreach. Must be a TFH Partner.
Growth Track
This team serves as the check- in/hosts or facilitators of our Growth Track.
Baptism/Child Dedication
This team serves to prepare and facilitate individuals and families through the life changing experiences of being baptized in water or dedicating their child/children to the Lord.
New Here? Start Here!
This team will greet and welcome First-Time guests before and after services. They will also give the guests a gift and an invitation to the Meet the Pastors lunch. Must be a TFH Partner.
Meet the Pastors
This fun and energetic team works with the staff to provide an exciting welcome luncheon for our 1st time guests. This team includes set up/tear down, indoor/outdoor greeters, and food prep. This team serves once a quarter on the 5th Sunday.
First Steps
This team cares about helping people on their journey with the Lord. Everyone has a next step and needs help knowing what that is. Must be a TFH Partner.
This team works in the Next Steps Area to provide information and guidance in the following:
• Salvation – (1st Step)
• Recommitments
• Baptism
This team utilizes their gifts of administration and organization, in order to aids the staff during the week in various areas such as: clean-up/reset foyer, laundry, reception area, data entry, correspondence, and special projects.
A second part of this team is considered Sunday Set Up Team and uses their talents to help prepare the Sanctuary for services on Sunday by restocking resources and supplies (backs of chairs). Team members will come to TFH once a week, Monday through Thursday during business hours.
Data Entry
This team enters the Connection Cards and 1st & 2nd Time Guests into the database on Mondays for processing.
The team consists of individuals who assist the staff with hosting church-wide events.
Tasks on this team include the following:
• Food prep and distribution
• Set up before an event and reset the church after event (cleaning, lifting, moving)
• Decorating
Please note: Each event is unique, so we can find somewhere for anyone to help regardless of personal limitations.
Keep our building safe by monitoring the entry ways, hallways, and classroom areas.
Stage Set Design
Creative and crafty? Join the stage set and design team. We decorate the stage during holidays and would love some help and could really use your gifts.
Greet families with a smile as you check the children into the appropriate class and print out their name tags and corresponding tag for pick up. Register new families in a timely manner.
Small Group Leaders
Show these babies the love of God by singing, dancing, and laughing with them. Lead your classroom through the lesson and activity for the week. The lesson, activity, and supplies are all provided to you.
Small Group Helper:
Assist the class leader with the lesson and the children. Speak life over and into these sweet gifts that God gave us. You can serve in this position starting in the 7th grade.
TFH KIDS (K- 5TH Grade)
Play games, practice memory verses, and have fun with our kids that attended first service but stay for 2nd service while their parents serve. (2nd SERVICE ONLY)
Welcome families into our space with a smile and friendly hello. Take note of first-time guest and make sure you connect the new child(ren) with a small group leader. At the end of service collect parent tags and children’s tags.
Small Group Leaders
Engage with kids by coloring, building, and playing games all while building relationships with them. You will worship alongside your group and lead them through the questions provided during the weekly lesson.
This team is responsible for projecting lesson points, scriptures, and video playback during the lesson. As an integral part of the service flow and worship leading, this person is tasked with displaying media without distraction each weekend. Experience working on a Mac preferred, but not required.
Lead the kids energetically from the stage in 3 worship songs. Most of our songs have motions to follow on a corresponding video. The worship leaders’ job is to amp up the participation in worship by encouraging the kids while dancing. Singing is not a requirement.
Lesson Prep
Help us prep for Sunday service behind the scenes. Be a part of preparing the teaching for the months to come. Proficiency in MS Word is a requirement.
TFH YOUTH (6th-12th Grade)
Small Group Leader
Build a relationship with our teens through games, worship, and lessons. Lead your group through the provided lesson in a small group setting.
This team is responsible for projecting lesson points, scriptures, and video playback during the lesson. As an integral part of the service flow and worship leading, this person is tasked with displaying media without distraction each weekend. Experience working on a mac preferred, but not required.
Help us deliver live worship on Wednesday nights for our teens. If you can sing or play an instrument, we would love for you to join us.
This team works diligently behind the scenes to maintain a spirit of excellence in every area of our church.
Serving opportunities include building (repairs, painting, etc.) and grounds (mowing, edging, trimming, etc.) maintenance. Teams usually meet on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
Where we Love, Help, Laugh, Cry, Play, Pray, and Grow TOGETHER!
• Table Hostess
• Greeters
• Check In Hostess
• Event Set Up (during week)
• Sunday Event Postcard Team
• Sisterhood Serve Events
• Resource Center
To provide a venue of fellowship that inspires and equips them to make positive changes where necessary and to be Godly husbands, fathers, and friends.
Changed men change men.