Sunday, November 12, 2023 | What Was I Thinking? | Finding the Missing Pieces
Kevin Goff   -  

In the second sermon of the series, “Finding the Missing Pieces,” delivered by Pastor Kevin Goff, the emphasis is on practical strategies for aligning one’s thinking with God’s transformative power, as outlined in Romans 12:1-2. Pastor Goff advocates for the habit of journaling, drawing parallels with the kings copying laws in Deuteronomy 17:18-20, promoting it as a means to prevent arrogance and guide adherence to God’s commands while highlighting its role in grounding individuals in their humanity. The sermon stresses the importance of maintaining a clutter-free mind, referencing Acts 17:28 and 2 Corinthians 10:5, suggesting that since our existence is in God, negative thoughts should not find a place in our minds. Lastly, Pastor Goff challenges congregants to think beyond their comfort zones, citing 1 Corinthians 2:9 and Ephesians 3:20, encouraging them to trust in God’s ability to exceed expectations and achieve the unimaginable. The sermon concludes with a memory verse from Romans 8:5, urging believers to align their thoughts with the Spirit’s guidance. Overall, “Finding the Missing Pieces” offers concise and practical steps to reshape thinking through journaling, mental decluttering, and daring to envision a future beyond comfort zones.

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