Sunday, June 25, 2023 | Life Hacks | Pursue Wisdom
Simone Baker   -  

In this sermon, Pastor Terry Mahan focuses on the importance of actively seeking wisdom. He explores the Book of Proverbs and highlights how wisdom is portrayed as a chief character throughout its verses. Pastor Mahan emphasizes that wisdom is not something that is simply acquired passively but requires intentional pursuit. He delves into the teachings of Proverbs, encouraging the congregation to diligently study, reflect upon, and observe the world around them to gain wisdom. He also emphasizes that true wisdom comes from God and is rooted in a reverent fear of Him. The sermon concludes with practical steps and guidance on how to pursue wisdom in everyday life.

Pastor Simone Baker builds upon the foundation laid by Pastor Terry Mahan’s sermon on pursuing wisdom. In this sermon, she focuses on the application of wisdom in daily living. Drawing from the teachings of Proverbs, Pastor Baker highlights the need to not only acquire wisdom but also live a wise life. She explores various aspects of life, such as relationships, family, work, finances, and moral conduct, providing practical advice and guidance on how to make wise decisions in each area. She emphasizes that wisdom should guide our choices, actions, and interactions with others, leading to a blessed and successful life. The sermon concludes with a call to the congregation to implement the wisdom gained from the Book of Proverbs and to live wisely.

Overall, this combines the themes of actively seeking wisdom and applying it in daily life. It aims to inspire and equip the congregation with practical wisdom from the Book of Proverbs, encouraging them to pursue wisdom diligently and live wisely in various aspects of their lives.



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