Sunday, December 3, 2023 | What Was I Thinking? | Want a Better Life? You Need a Better Map
Dwight Bain   -  

In the fifth installment of the sermon series “What Was I Thinking?” guest speaker Dwight Bain delivers a powerful message titled “Want a Better Life? You Need a Better Map.” Drawing upon his expertise in psychology and personal development, Bain emphasizes the crucial role of mindset and perspective in shaping the trajectory of our lives. Using the metaphor of a map, he challenges listeners to reconsider the mental maps they’ve been using, encouraging them to adopt a more empowering and positive perspective. Throughout the sermon, Bain provides practical insights and tools for navigating life’s challenges, guiding the audience towards a path of personal growth, resilience, and fulfillment. This transformative message inspires individuals to reassess their thought patterns, make intentional choices, and embark on a journey towards a better, more purposeful life.

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