Pastor Tim attended Salem Community College & Glassboro State College in New Jersey earning an AA & BA in Criminal Justice. Tim & Brenda met in New Jersey, moved to Florida and were married in 1991. He worked for the Department of Children & Families for 21 years.
Tim & Brenda have 3 children, Charles, Timothy, & Tatianna, 3 grandchildren, and 1 dog, Mickey. They enjoy spending time outside in the garden, on hiking trails, or in the water.
Together, Tim and Brenda have served bi-vocationally as Church Planters, Children’s & Youth Pastors, and Worship Leaders and Pastors. Tim has been an Evangelist to Uganda, Sudan, The Congo & Israel.
Tim joined The Father’s House staff in 2013 and has served as Life Development Pastor, Generations Pastor, and is currently serving as our Freedom & Care Pastor.
Tim has a passion to help people find the freedom & healing they need to fulfill the destiny & purpose they were created for.