Maggie is a native Floridian, born and raised in Eustis. She worked as a paralegal for 23 years before semi-retiring in 2006. Maggie served as a full-time volunteer @TFH for several years, serving as Personal Assistant to the Senior Pastors, before joining the TFH Staff in the fall of 2011.
Maggie and her husband, Lon Dowis, were married in 1985 and they currently own and operate The Upholstery Shoppe, LLC, located in Eustis. They started attending TFH in the spring of 2001 and knew immediately that TFH was different, fresh and real! Without a doubt, they know that God planted them @TFH for His amazing purpose and they continue to experience God’s phenomenal love and growth in their personal lives, their marriage and in their relationships with others.
Maggie has enjoyed being a part of the Sisterhood Women’s Ministry and watching firsthand as Sisterhood connects, inspires and empowers women to be all that God has called them to be in Christ, inside and out, and to use that found freedom in building relationships with other women @TFH and within their community.
Maggie is passionate about pursuing excellence and encouraging others to raise the level of their expectations. It is not about perfection, it is about excellence for Christ which creates an atmosphere for people to experience Christ in amazing ways. Maggie believes people will rise to the level of EXCELLENCE you expect of them so why not give them a challenge… EXPECT BIG!
Maggie loves nature and gardening, sunshine and rainstorms, is an avid reader and enjoys writing, loves playing with her dogs and chickens, but most of all, living a crazy and wonderful life with her husband… the best is yet to be!