January 1 - April 6


The heartbeat of TFH is leaving a legacy in whatever way we can. Our mission efforts include strategic partnerships locally, nationally, and worldwide.

“Whatever a person does in this life is HISTORY but
whatever a person gives in this life is LEGACY.”

Once again, I want to thank so many of you for your faithfulness to give “over and above” your tithe each year. I am honestly so excited to share with you what is coming.

I ask that you prayerfully consider our multiple Giving Lane Opportunities and ask God to speak to you on where He would like you make your impact.

2025 LEGACY GOAL $500,000

Vision: $400,000

If you have a heart for the world beyond our 4 walls, then this lane may be for you. TFH makes continuous efforts through its Mission efforts to reach the unreached, in our Community, the Nation and the World.

Lane Scripture
“And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15)

Vision – $100,000

At TFH we believe ministry is all about people, not materials. However, we know God can take our material goods and us them for eternal good. The goal of this project is to make much needed improvements inside and outside.

Lane Scripture
“Go up to the hill country, bring lumber and rebuild My house (temple), that I may be pleased with it and be glorified”. (Haggai 1:8-9)

Pick up a GREEN envelope & pray about what God would have you to give this year. Put the envelope where you can see it and pray that what you and others do will help us make a difference in bringing hope and impacting the world with the Good News of Jesus. 
We will ALL bring our LEGACY GIFTS TOGETHER AND PRESENT THEM TO THE LORD on Sunday, 4.06.25, (those who have already given can just use an envelope and note the amount you gave)
Let’s all be in prayer for what role we can play. Thank you for your prayers and participation, support, and your faith. We believe our best is still very much in front of us.

“Because I have set my heart on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house… who among you is ready and willing to join in the giving?” (1 CHRONICLES 29:3-6)

Use a GREEN envelope, text LEGACY to 352.329.2301 or CLICK HERE to give.