August 7, 2022 7:00 - 7:30pm  |  LEESBURG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

2229 South Street, Leesburg, FL, USA

Students & Parents
Pray for our students as they prepare to begin this new school year. Pray for a sense of peace and confidence as they deal with a lot of changes from the norm. Pray for an attitude of cooperation. Pray for their safety and protection both physically and emotionally.

Pray for parents as they prepare to send their children back to school during these uncertain times or as they make plans for virtual learning. Help them to be confident of God’s protection for their children. Pray for the homes to be healthy places for learning.

School Administration
Pray for wisdom and guidance regarding the unique decisions that need to be made for their students during this unprecedented time of school opening. Pray for safety, protection and peace as they go through each day. Ask God to help them create an environment of unity, cooperation, appreciation and respect on their campus.

Teachers & Coaches
Pray for our teachers as they are preparing for this new school year while facing the changes due to the pandemic. Pray for protection as well as strength and perseverance to carry out their responsibilities. Ask God to give them a sensitivity towards each student. Pray for coaches as they deal with the difficulties surrounding practices, scheduling, new safety procedures, etc. Pray that teachers and coaches will have a strong sense of how significant their impact is in each of their student’s life.

Support Staff For School & District
Pray for the safety and protection of each member of the support staff. Pray for their strength, stamina and peace as they deal with the unique challenges that this year brings for their position. Ask God to give them an understanding of their importance to the school communities.

District Leadership
Pray that they will be given wisdom and discernment regarding the decisions for the students in their county during this unprecedented time. Pray for courage and strength as they strive to balance the demands and needs of the authorities, their schools and communities to continue to meet their students’ needs. Pray that there will be unity and like mindedness among the decision makers.

Our Communities
Pray for an attitude of unity and togetherness among the communities. Ask God for opportunities that will provide support, encouragement and care for each of our schools so they can thrive even during these challenging times. Pray for God’s safety and protection from the Coronavirus over each community and that our communities will return to a normal and healthy way of life very soon.